Like the 1977 edition of the model, the new 2009 business network model similarly comprises of two sets of variables: state and change, as shown in Figure 2.2 above (Johanson & Vahlne, 2009). The little modifications done include adding "recognition of opportunities" to the knowledge notion observed in the top left square of the model in Figure 2.2 (Johanson & By introducing this varied Johanson and Vahlne (2009), hope to convey that they view
opportunities as the most vital aspect inside the body of knowledge that the process is driven by since they are complicated and constitute a subset of knowledge. The second state variable is "network position," as the lower left square of the model in Figure 2.2 shows. The initial label was "market commitment," (Johanson & Vahlne, 2009). This shift was brought
about by Johanson and offers a company a competitive edge. As said above the updated Uppsala Model comprises network position, which corresponds with the more current Social Network Theory (Forsgren, 2016). The inclusion of the network element to the Uppsala Model illustrates insider- and outsidership in connection with a corporate network, therefore
reflecting the relevance of this element
Vahlne (2020) discovered that, particularly with regard to knowledge exchange, personal ties are quite important for businesses.Influencer marketing does just that in line with what Vahlne (2020) said about internationalization having a significant association with market knowledge as well as commitment for a firm. Usually having a specialism in a certain topic, influencers
aim their following towards their field of knowledge (Tafesse & Wood, 2021). According to Hult et al. (2020), the Uppsala model has drawn criticism for not being as quick in implementing fast internationalizing businesses. By means of their reach, influencers can help companies worldwide to become more global (Tafesse & Wood, 2021; Casaló et al., 2020). Like any
other company, the success influencers have comes from network relationships (Dwivedi et Goldenberg et al., 2009). By means of influencer marketing in foreign markets, a company can fast internationalize in terms of network connections in a new market (Yamin & Kurt, Dwivedi et al., 2016; Goldenberg et al., 2009).According to Yamin and Kurt (2018), a
company founded within a network or numerous
networks is seen as a "insider". According to Johanson and Vahlne (2009), partnerships help companies establish trust and dedication—qualities crucial for the globalizing process. Born globals and international new enterprises (Hult et al., 2020) have been attacked for not applying rapidly internationalizing ventures throughout time and through fast advancements
society; so, digitalization has been under scrutiny. This is where the 2009 model's "new" network element can be used with respect to the more fast social network theory. According to Forsgren (2016), the range of a company network greatly influences an international commercial possibility. The next part covers the feature of networks as well as their
significance referencing the Social Network Theory. Katz et al. (2020) contend that social network theory is predicated on the idea that interactions in interacting units are vital. Interactions among people result in relationships; in turn, these ties shape network structure and subsequently affect behavior, attitudes, and beliefs (Katz et al., 2020). According to
Borgatti and Halgin network theory
is the set of processes and traits of a network that produce particular results. Two fundamental ideas in social network theory also are bridging and bonding (van Osch & Bulgurcu, 2020). According to van Osch and Bulgurcu (2020), bonding fosters deep and informal links between people as well as the will to participate in the idea generation. Outside of the cluster, bridge causes idea generating by means of diverse points of view and styles of
thinking (van Osch & Bulgurcu, 2020). Goldenberg et al. (2009) claim that their approaches of encouraging successful internationalization could vary.Regarding the change variable, the original "current activities" evolved to "learning, creating, and trust building," as the lower right square in Figure 2.2.2 above clearly shows. Johanson and Vahlne (2009) claim that this
alteration was done to provide more clarity on the result of the ongoing operations.Since Johanson and Vahlne (2009) think that trust building should have the same importance as the cognitive dimension, they decided to make it more evident than in the 1977 model. Since they think that the formation of opportunities is a vital component of relationships, Johanson and
Vahlne (2009) also sought to underline opportunity creation as a knowledge creating dimension. The last element altered was the term "relationship" added to "commitment decisions" in the top right square of the model. This was included to make clear that the part of the commitment component of the decisions is focused on connections, more precisely network of relationships. Journal of Johanson & Vahlne, 2009Flaherty et al. (2012) suggest
that social situations consist of two different components: actors or agents and relations. Actors and agents make decisions and act, while relations are the interconnections between actors (Flaherty, 2012). According to Flaherty et al. (2012) the theory assumes that social networks influence the attributes and actions of individuals as well as are important in the explanation of behavior. Tucker (2019) expresses that social network theory is often used to
examine informal structures as well as interactions between social clusters. Individuals within a network or cluster are directly linked to others that are a part of the cluster, and individuals within the cluster are alsoand subsequently affect behavior, attitudes, and beliefs (Katz et al., 2020). According to Dwivedi et al., 2016; Goldenberg et al., 2009).According to Yamin and
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