We live in the era of digitalization, having spent several years already as well. The world is moving constantly and in continual change. Most businesses and our daily lives reflect digitalization, which permeates all spheres. < Young people, children, teenagers and young adults born from this generation have indeed been fully submerged in this digital world since
they were born and everyday use it. Actually, the generation Z was born just at the dawn of the internet, and the generation Alpha, which began in 2010, saw the release of iPad and Instagram. Both generations experienced a time of fast advanced technologies (Arora and Jha, 2020). Companies had realized this and included it into their plans to be even more
competitive, as Jha (2020) notes: the generation Alpha "had already influenced the trend of marketing, technology, and priorities of their millennial parent."This is the reason influencer marketing is a common tactic used by businesses in marketing lately. Thanks to influencer marketing that emphasizes using people with influence over Chau and Lim, 2020), it lets I
influencers can reach marketing and business
success of branding and selling by means of this attachment.More and more marketing professionals say that the fast evolving technologies used in communication and promotion activities are causing changes in markets and consumer behavior (Dwivedi, Ismagilova, Hughes, Carlson, Filiera, Jacobson, Jain, Karjaluoto, Kefi, Krishen, Kumar, Rahman, Raman, Rauschnabel, Rowley, Salo, Tran, and Wang, 2020). Any company should be concerned
about all the changes particular to the digital sphere since they might either present possibilities or hazards with significant effects on social and economic outcomes. Consumers' purchasing behavior is much influenced by social media influencers, who also show more inclination to acquire what is offered. Whether the consumer feels connected, honesty and
that social media influencer markets products and/or services within their area of expertise (Singh, 2021) r potential buyers and orienting marketing activities around these individuals to drive a brand message to the larger market. Influencers encourage businesses to include them as a relatively new marketing communication tool—referred to as influencer marketing—
given their possible reach to big audiences
(De Jans, Van de Sompel, De Veirman and Hudders, 2020).Many studies have been conducted to define exactly what influencer marketing is, why organizations are using it more and more and what it delivers them (Backaler and Shankman, 2018; Coll, 2019; Genú, 2019; Levin, 2019). Since consumers view influencer marketing as not being advertising, it is said to be a novel, affordable and efficient marketing method (Ye, Hudders, De Jans and De Veirman,
Today is a major part of the digital marketing plans of the company used to advertise brands and attract very involved consumers (Abidin, 2015).Working owing to experience sharing, user-generated content and distribution via blogs and social media, this approach could be compared as an evolved word-of-mouth marketing (Ye et al., 2021). Because it provides real
and honest information on the value of a good or service and people are more inclined to believe and follow these suggestions than brandgenerated communications, this user-generated material becomes increasingly important in the digital sphere (Djafarova and Rushworth, 2017).al—instagram, facebook, Twitter and YouTube—as well as social media
influencers are the key tools available for influencer
marketing. Users of social media who are followed by a notable volume of other users are known as social media influencers (De Veirman, Caauberghe and Hudders, 2017; Harrigan, Daly, Coussement, Lee, Soutar and Evers, 2021). They give the appearance that the followers know them since they post useful material in every day life. Users create
appreciation, para-social interaction; which refers to the relations people have with media personalities; perceived resemblance, sense of belonging, intimacy and psychological proximity which play a vital part here (Ye et al., 2021). This increases user trust of the influencers. Companies and corporations utilize them to advertise goods or services as they
attract sizable audiences thanks to their popularity. Following the influencers and their communities is become more and more important for followers to reach (Ki, Cuevas, social networks and influencers).Marketing is about people discovering ways to satisfy the needs and wants of other people therefore delivering outstanding value (Ferrell, 2021). Different
kinds of strategy have evolved throughout the years for this reason: Digital marketing, green marketing, guerilla marketing (Wind and Mahajan, 2001). Digital marketing is the application of digital technologies which are used to provide channels to reach possible consumers, thereby enabling the firm to fulfill its goals by more efficient fulfillment of the customer wants
Among the channels developed is influencer marketing. The Association of National Advertisers claims that bigger audience will help to boost visibility as well as to raise sales.unique profile or blog visitors if they are focusing on reach. Followers are only relevant if influencer reaches the target audience of that brand. Frequency is the fourth characteristic to be considered when searching for a potential influencer. It means how often influencer
publishes posts an how often visitors return to him. One post is not enough to achieve tha the followers visit also the brands website.According to Hamann (n.d.), usually more posts and shares are neededto reach this goal. If influencer publishes high-quality content on a regula basis, readers are more likely to return and influencers who do not publis posts often have fewer loyal followers. The last characteristic is authenticity. Influencers who have less
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