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Top Strategies Used by Sales and Marketing Consultants in the USA

  In contemporary business, particularly within the dynamic landscape of business-tobusiness marketing, organizations grapple with multifaceted challenges and opportunities. Ukraine, with its burgeoning  sector, presents a captivating context for probing the intricate connections that exist among value creation, key customer acquisition, and preservation strategies. This scholarly endeavour embarks on a quest to unravel the distinctions of these  strategic details and their profound implications. The landscape in Ukraine is a mosaic of diverse industries, each with its unique set of circumstances, challenges, and opportunities. Against this backdrop, businesses are incessantly engaged in devising strategies that can propel them towards sustainable growth and heightened competitiveness. Understanding the  intricacies of  marketing in this context is pivotal, for it provides a lens through which we can measure how Ukrainian enterprises navigate the multifaceted we...

Boosting Sales with Influencer Partnerships for Small Businesses

Influence report 65 % of companies are participating in influencer-based marketing, and using bloggers for influencer marketing is a common and effective tool used by many. According to the same study 86 % of influencer’s are bloggers (Technorati, 2013). The researcher will explain the concept of both earned and paid influencer marketing, but will focus on paid 

marketing because that’s where the company becomes actively involved in the marketing process. The interview will give a qualitative and detailed insight in how to prosecute an Influencer marketing campaign in practice. The information that is gathered from the interviews can be generalized to some extent, and the secondary data can be applied to 

different cases.a purchase. By providing a clear CTA (Call to Action), micro influencers can help SMEs to convert their followersThe data illustrates that SMEs carry out digital marketing using the services of micro influencers. Interactions between IT and consumers become a key component of marketing. (Thomas and Fowler., 2020). Other branding methods were found 

such as print media and word of mouth

There are differences in the techniques used by micro influencers in product branding. First, relying on the ability to serve as the main capital in collaborating with brands as evidenced by the existence of a portfolio as an assessment of flying hours. Communication, will affect the presentation of content, negotiation, and coordination regarding the marketing process. 

Branding carried out by SMEs is inseparable from the role of micro influencers who become digital supports in the marketing process. The affective stage is the EHM emotional stage, where consumers develop feelings and attitudes towards a brand or product. The affective stage involves consumers' emotional responses to brands, which can be influenced by their 

values, beliefs and personal experiences. At this stage, consumers evaluate how the brand or product makes them feel, and whether it aligns with their personal values and beliefs. There are 3 components that are in this stage. First, liking, influencers can help SMEs increase likes by creating content that resonates with their followers. This can be achieved by aligning the influencer's values and personality with those of the brand. By presenting the brand in a 

positive light influencers can create 

a favorable brand impression in the minds of potential customers, Second, Preference, Influencers can help SMEs increase preference by creating content that showcases the brand's products or services in a positive light. The role of an influencer in improving the performance of SMEs is very important for business continuity. For profitoriented 

organizations, emotion, is an important aspect of influencer marketing as it helps create a connection between the audience and the influencer. Influencers can use emotions such as joy, excitement or humor to make content more interesting and appealing to their audience. Fifth, differentiation, is the key to standing out in the crowded influencer marketing space. 

Influencers can use unique messaging or visual elements to differentiate themselves from others and create a more memorable brand voice. This can include using certain colors, fonts or other design elements that are consistent throughout the content. In strengthening the theory that has been explained by micro influencers in this study, micro influencers take a 

communication approach to form loyalty

to SMEs. Such as professionalism, humble, informative, to follow, as well as providing benefits for the project. Involvement in SMEs social media was expected to contribute to SMEs performance. Various efforts had been made to improve performance, including the use of services that were trending in social media, namely the services of social media 

influencers. (Ardyan et al., 2022) . From several brand voice practices in this element, micro influencers have a characteristic approach to support SMEs' loyalty to them. Such as increasing the quality and quantity of branding byUsing an influencer is very important, especially when manyparasocial ties in influencer marketing are confirmed by empirical 

findings from 409 online followers of two Instagram accounts. These effects are controlled by post features, with storytelling posts enhancing both effects. The influence of a parasocial relationship is increased through correspondent inference, but the impact of opinion leadership is unaffected. By underscoring the importance of the social element of influencer 


marketing, these studies advance knowledge of and practise of influencer marketing. (Farivar In another article, the authors used a study they carried out in Ho Chi Minh City to look into the potential of social media influencer marketing. They found that influencers enjoy an excellent degree of customer trust and that four characteristics—consumer involvement, product relevance, content quality, and influencer trust—significantly influenced cosumers' 

purchase intentions. (Nam & Dân, 2018). consumers areonline marketplace is important in the pre-purchase stage. Thus, as influencers are used to attract customers, they consequently play a key role in consumers purchase intent and the prepurchase stage (Osei-Frimpong et Furthermore, in the post-purchase stage of commitment, loyalty, and e-trust can be considered as a vital key for re-purchasing (Moriuchi & Takahashi, 20. Although companies 

adjust to new conditions in a new environment, such as influencers, the building of relationships remains important. Using an influencer to increase the purchase of a brand may lead to more sales, but that does not dismiss the necessity of commitment in the relationships. Even on the Internet, commitment seems to remain key in the interplay with trust to maintain loyalty, as highlighted in a study on Internet and services (Thaicon & Quach


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