Businesses can be thought of as living things. Just like how our bodies are like a collection of cells, this picture shows that. Society is made up of many organisms, like people, companies, and the government. Together, they make up a much bigger organism. Anything that changes one part of structure changes the whole thing, just like in our bodies. The main idea is that societies and other complex, chaotic processes can't be fixed. Any attempt to separate one part will change the structure as a whole, so they can't be studied using standard experiments. That's why managing from the top down doesn't work. You need to deal with the whole system. That can only be done going up from the bottom. This is something that the social planners we have now seem to have forgotten. They go down from the top.
The important thing to keep in mind is that societies can't run themselves, so we have to use top-down control.
Putting together a group of workers and telling them to build a bridge doesn't work without some planning, starting with the engineer who planned it. In the end, though, the "morality" of the workers, builders, politicians, and contractors will determine how good the bridge is. The morals are where the hidden structure is. Organizations can't be moral because that takes choice, and only people can make choices.There's another way the bridge comparison can help. If one part breaks, the whole building will fall down. The properties of the materials used are hard to predict because they are like the complicated, chaotic world we live in. Because of this, the engineers have to use big safety gaps that make use of resources less efficiently. In the same way, societies can't have big safety gaps and waste resources efficiently. Our social engineers care too much about safety and not enough about getting things done. The effects of putting resources in one place are hard to predict because complex chaos systems are not always stable. That's how liberal democracy works: decisions are given to the lowest level of social engineering possible, which is the person in the end.
It's a kind of bottom-up system that works pretty well.
It's not as useful right now as top-down planning, but it fits with how society works naturally.Politics is something that most people don't want to talk about. Even though everyone has their own reason, most people don't know enough about politics to have a serious conversation. That's a sad problem with our society: a lot of people think politics has nothing to do with their daily lives, so they don't think about it enough. That view is very far from the truth. Politics are really a big part of our daily lives; they can easily determine what we do. The problem is that most people don't know or care about politics until it touches them directly.Politics are very important; in fact, lawmakers wrote every law we follow. Politics decides what kinds of goods can be sold in our country and how much they cost. Politicians also write the rules that govern our country. It is the people who make a country great, so they should know how politics can and does affect their lives. You only need to look at the state of women in Saudi Arabia to fully understand how politics can change our world.Their women couldn't drive their cars without a male guardian with them. The rule was just changed today, in 2018, so women can drive cars without men in them. In America and the rest of the western world, where men and women have equal rights, this is a big difference.If you are a student who wants to study abroad and your country is not in the European Union or doesn't have direct access to the country where you want to study, you will need a visa.
This is a great example of how politics affects our everyday lives.
The catch is that you might not get that visa, which would mean that you can't study in that country after all.This is all because of how politics work in both your country and the one you want to study in. If both countries and their governments are friendly, you can easily move from one to the other without a lot of papers and trouble. If they aren't, well, that's life.Furthermore, individuals should be aware of how significantly politics affect their daily lives and should not always vote for one political party. Instead, they should educate themselves on all political sides in their country and learn about everything their party wants to change and how it will directly impact their lives. If people in a country don't know how their government works, it won't move toward the better good very often. Instead, it will always end up with a corrupt government that is bad for both the country and its people.
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