By means of the previously mentioned research objectives—that of ascertaining the influence of influencers on purchasing interest in East Java cuisine—we hope to This is crucial so that consumers' purchasing intents are understood to be based on their impressions of the dependability or efficacy of influencer campaigns shown on social media. This study focuses especially on East Java's propensity to purchase culinary products based on videos influencers posted on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. The gathered data in this work is analyzed and observed using a quantitative design. The study took place in East Java, particularly in the Regency area with much of culinary tourists. The choice of the province of East Java was based on the many gastronomic variations and significant population; hence, the probability of respondent selection is higher and many respondents spend their time on social media and observing influencers present promotions of different culinary pleasures in ...
National economies are propelled by cities These spaces are attractive to the most productive firms and the most talented workers due to the agglomeration advantages they generate, which are the primary cause for their existence. This environment is conducive to growth and development. Cities promote economic advancement by facilitating the sharing, matching, and learning of individuals and businesses through their high density (DURANTON; PUGA, 2004). Furthermore, Marshall (1890) asserted that ideas are "in the air," which implies that the mere concentration of individuals could result in novel outcomes. The functional role of each city in an urban system is contingent upon its ability to provide more specialized products and services to the surrounding areas (LÖSCH, 1964; CHRISTALLER, 1966). Given that population development enhances the capacity to generate economies of agglomeration and market potential, the centrality level of cities is also correlated with population s...